Mobile plays an important role in our daily life , each and everyone must having a smart phone in the techno world. Lets see what are the things we need to concentrate before buying a mobile Phone.
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Steps to follow before buying a mobile
1.Browse the net and check the latest mobiles reviews. There are several Indian sites that offer mobile reviews highlighting product specs, features, performance with respect to all aspects like ease of use, call quality, music, camera, video, game apps etc.
2.All the major mobile retailers have their online stores as well. You can quickly check the rates for the models you have shortlisted across all these sites.
3. Mobile retailers who advertise heavily and are located in prime locations will be priced higher. However some of them may pass the volume discounts they get on to the customers. The smaller neighborhood mobile stores in your locality that are not part of any retail chain will not make much noise but they will definitely give you a better price than the bigger mobile store chains.
4.A big mobile retailer will have a trained sales force that may be able to explain to you the features of the mobile phone in greater detail but your neighborhood store will not be able to offer you superior product support.
5.In case you still want to go to a big mobile retailer for a greater shopping experience, do not hesitate to negotiate, Quote rates given by other retailers and create competition.
6.Do not go for buy back offers. You get a raw deal. You can rather sell your old mobile outside for a better deal.
7.If they are offering freebies, you can tell them that they can exclude your from the freebie offers and pass it on as a cash discount.
8.If they are firm on not giving additional discount beyond a point, you can ask for extended warranty for your mobile.
9.Most importantly, the large retailers have monthly targets to achieve and become very generous during month ends. So in case you are going to the mobile retailers. They may give unbelievable rates to achieve their monthly targets. You will be amazed at the buying power you have!.
10.The smartest buyer will go to the manufacturers’ websites to have a look at the options, compare the features and then go to a local mobile shop and buy it at the rock bottom rates!.